Disease is an indication of imbalance within our body. It is a signal to us that something is not working and needs to be rectified. Much like an oil light which comes on in your car to indicate you are running low in oil. The cure is to fill up the oil reservoir, not cover the light so you can ignore the warning! Synthetic medication is used to rid the body of symptoms of disease, not necessarily to cure the disease itself, so it works only while we keep taking it. We call this a band-aid cure, much like covering the oil warning light and it works well for a finite amount of time before we start getting more serious side effects. If we instead address the cause of our health problems, we can rid ourselves of both symptoms and disease.
Our Earth provides support to our physical well-being from the land as a flower, leaf, seed, fruit or root; even as mineral rich salts and plant life from the oceans of the world. Nature supports us throughout our lives, surrounding us with oxygen, sunlight, rain, wind and soil to live and grow our needs. And from the wholefoods we grow, come the building blocks of good health. So why then when we get sick, do we distrust our own ability to bring our bodies back to a state of good health? Most times we rush off to the Doctors as soon as we have the first symptoms of illness, in fear that we are not capable of fixing ourselves.
There are other options.
Most of our modern drugs are derived from some constituent held within nature's medicine chest...plants! But instead of using the whole plant in it's natural form, they isolate and synthetically reproduced certain compounds.
This appears to be done for a few reasons...
1/Consistency of production- no longer need to depend on growing crops which could fail due to weather conditions etc. or may vary in their potency based on growing conditions.
2/Science prefers to dissect and isolate a beneficial compound found within a plant, considering the whole plant superfluous and unnecessary to a medicinal outcome.
3/Patents cannot be placed on a naturally occurring substance, so for pharmaceutical companies to monopolize selling rights, they must recreate a near-identical compound which can then be patented and their rights to profits be protected.
One needs to ask the question...could it be possible that the pursuit of profits begins to overshadow any original good intention to help heal humanity? We have gradually been brainwashed to believe that it is more effective to have isolated, potentized substances in the form of prescribed medications, than it is to self-medicate directly from plants and herbs. Plants have a natural synergy of complimentary components within their leaves, flowers, roots or seeds that is unrivalled by synthetic imposters.
CANCER...it is the elephant in the room. Our modern world offers a 1 in 3 chance of getting it now so why wait until you GET it? Walk the path of prevention for it is gentler and easier on the mind, body and spirit.
In partnership with nature, we hold the power to heal any disease that afflicts us.
Our diet is one very powerful element in prevention and treatment and you can read more about that on our page Lifestyle Keys. We are what we eat and the better the wholesome quality of the food we put in our mouth, the less we will be inclined to suffer from disease in the first place. Food really is our best medicine.
I have much hope and positivity for humanity’s current battle with cancer. This dis-ease is a symptom of the lifestyle we currently live, incubated within an industrialized modern society hell-bent on prioritizing the economy before the health of our environment. An unfortunate side effect of such values is the degradation and contamination of our soil, water and atmosphere. We get exposed to many toxic pollutants everyday of our life either directly or indirectly in products we consume, apply on our skin or live in close proximity to. Cancer is but one alarm bell indicating the need for a new approach to maintain our own health as well as the Earth's.
The good news is that we can choose organic, chemical free products to eat, apply on our skin, or allow within our home and garden environment. This in turn reduces the chemical load so our immune systems grow stronger in dealing with other toxins that we have less control over.
Another facet to healing the human body that is often overlooked, is the power of our mind. What we think, feel, believe or yearn after, all plays a role in either contributing to our peace of mind, or equally can be a major source of frustration, resentment and negativity. Such emotions hold power over our physical wellbeing. My book "Create Your Happiest Life from the Inside Out" explores this topic in great detail and has been written to support positive change in the thoughts you keep to enable healing on many levels.
Whether you already have been diagnosed with cancer, or if your wish is to prevent getting it, my message is the same...prevention can be the cure. As you will learn below, we all are likely to develop cancer in our body at some stage, it mostly depends on our diet, lifestyle, toxins and levels of stress in our life that dictates if it continues to grow and becomes life threatening. The main difference between preventing or fighting cancer is your level of application. In other words, if you have a cancer diagnosis, it is necessary to up the anti and adopt healthy habits swiftly because time is of the essence to slow the rate of a tumors growth. There are many powerful adjunctive treatments which can be used alongside lifestyle changes to further empower your healing process. What we discuss on this site is really just the tip of the iceberg, but make no mistake, all successful healing has at it's foundation, core principles of daily self-care and mindset management.
Disclaimer: No information on this website can be considered a replacement for professional medical advisal. It is shared for the purpose of sharing alternate options available to every person. It is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease, as results are always relative to the amount of effort a person invests into the pursuit of their own well-being.
It appears that cancerous cells are a naturally occurring phenomena... something our body regularly fights off. Which means that we are all at risk of developing cancer. It has been said that cancer is a rapidly reproducing cell which has malfunctioned and won't stop dividing. In Phillip Day’s Book Why We’re Still Dying to Know the Truth, he refers to cancer researchers Professor John Beard of Edinburgh University and Drs Ernest Krebs Jr and Sr. who made the discovery that embryonic stem cells hold an additional role as 'healers'. Called neoblasts, they are employed to repair trauma sites as quickly as possible. Usually pancreatic enzymes terminate this healing response upon completion. But when they do not, tumours are the result of this healing reaction gone wrong. In a vitamin/mineral deficient body which is also lacking pancreatic enzymes...(two elements which are becoming chronically deficient in our modern world), dispatch of these rapid dividing cells after having done their duty does not always occur. So you could say that this rapidly dividing cell just keeps on doing it's thing getting bigger and bigger, until it begins to impact surrounding tissue and organs in a negative way.
The other side of this story lies in both environmental toxins we are exposed to and a vitamin and mineral deficiency which humanity is progressively suffering, due to the artificial methods employed to grow our food in large scale monocultures. These two elements are leading to overtaxed immune systems. Our obsession with highly processed foods instead of whole foods, whilst also eating a diet high in meat and animal proteins means we are suffering from a lack of pancreatic enzymes in our body. We need these enzymes as part of our defense system to stop cancer growing!
I lost my own mother to secondary breast cancer at age 69 years in 2007. I doubt there is anyone these days who wouldn’t have experienced the loss of a beloved friend or family member to cancer. But since losing my mum, I have learnt of historically proven powerful natural substances that I believe have massive potential to be utilized for helping to prevent cancer, but instead have been buried deep in bureacracy and labelled as quackery over the last century. The deeper you delve, the more you become aware that Cancer treatment is a trillion dollar industry! We appear no closer to a cure here in 2019, even though billions of dollars are invested into research every year! Did you ever consider that natural cancer prevention is infact 'the cure' we have all been looking for... less money should be spent on research and more on educating us to understand how we can avoid getting cancer in the first place!
It is my belief that pharmaceutical companies do not have the general public’s best interest at heart. Why would they wish to find a cure, when they can keep people sick and keep them plugged into expensive treatments in the hope of staying alive? You only have to remain alive for 5 years after diagnosis and treatment to be classified as a cancer survivor. If someone dies as a result of a compromised immune system or damage sustained by the treatment, such as liver or heart failure, this does not get documented as death from cancer but from the symptom itself. Not that it is ever admitted to be caused by the treatment! No wonder cancer cure statistics appear to be better than they really are.
Another interesting point is why are the orthodox methods of treatment- surgery, radiation or chemotherapy the ONLY forms of treatment that Oncologists are legally allowed to recommend to their patients? They can be sued for negligence if they fail to do this. You would expect that these types of treatment strategies could never be allowed if they have bad side effects. After all, the main reason that natural alternate treatments are often not endorsed is for the belief they could harm the patient and yet most natural treatments are not toxic to the body at all and only come with the possibility of not working. Orthodox treatments have questionable results AND come with the side effect risks of being carcinogens themselves and even causing death!
Edward G. Griffin, author of World Without Cancer, has this to say on the topic of approval and licensing of non-pharmaceutical cancer treatments:
“As long as the present laws remain, the only substances that ever will be ‘approved’ for cancer therapy will be proprietary. No substance from nature will ever be legally available for cancer or any other disease unless its source can be monopolised or its processing patented. No matter how safe and effective it may be and no matter how many people are benefited, it will forever be relegated to the category of ‘unproven’ therapies. As such, freely available cures from nature will always be illegal to prescribe, to promote and in many cases even to use.”
Mustard gas was one of the most lethal poisons used during World War Two. It caused internal and external bleeding, violent vomiting and would strip off the mucous membrane, attacking the bronchial tubes. It usually took a person 4-5 weeks to die from mustard gas poisoning. It was observed as a result of autopsies undertaken, that it also caused destruction of fast reproducing cells. Thus was born the notion that it would be potentially useful in killing cancerous tissue and from this foundation chemotherapy treatment was developed. MC Perry and JW Yarbo in their book Toxicity of Chemotherapy had this to say:
“Almost without exception, every drug developed for four decades that is active against cancer has produced side effects that are reminiscent of the outgrowth of these agents from research on chemical warfare.”
Interestingly there are many Oncologists and Doctors who would never touch their own recommended treatments should they get diagnosed with cancer. Ralph Moss says in his book Questioning Chemotherapy:
“I remembered the story of a celebrated Sloan-Kettering chemotherapist who, when he found out that he had advanced cancer told his colleagues, ‘Do anything you want- but no chemotherapy...’
Doesn’t this ring alarm bells? Unfortunately many doctors don’t even get trained in good nutrition in western medical schools. The average US physician’s course work during four years of medical school is 2.5hours! Despite knowing that good nutrition assists build healthy immune systems and resistance to disease, it appears that orthodox medicine still does not respect the value of training our doctors to understand the building blocks of good health. The main emphasis is on diagnosis and symptomatic treatment with man-made drugs.
In Great News on Cancer in the 21st Century by Steve Ransom, he quotes Dr Andrew Saul for recognizing the importance of sound nutrition in maintaining good health. Dr Saul says: “I have seen the foolishness of conventional disease care wisdom. I have seen hospitals feed white bread to patients with bowel cancer and hospitals feed Jello to leukaemia patients. I have seen schools feed bright red Slush Puppies to 7-year-olds for lunch and I have seen children vomit up a desktop full of red crud afterward. And, I have seen those same children later line up at the school nurse for hyperactivity drugs.” He continues on to say...
“I have seen hospital patients allowed to go two weeks without a bowel movement,” he said. “I have seen patients told that they have six months to live when they might live sixty months. I have seen people recover from serious illness, only to have their physician berate them for having used natural healing methods to do so. I have seen infants spit up formula while their mothers were advised not to breastfeed. I've seen better ingredients in dog food than in the average school or hospital lunch. And I have seen enough.”
In his book Preface to Cancer: Nature, Cause and Cure, Dr. Alexander Berglas has this to say about cancer incidence: “Civilization is, in terms of cancer, a juggernaut that cannot be stopped. … It is the nature and essence of industrial civilization to be toxic in every sense. … We are faced with the grim prospect that the advance of cancer and of civilization parallel each other.”
But don’t think the situation is all doom and gloom. Our human body has in built mechanisms to overcome cancerous cell growth and fully recover with the help of natural, non-toxic substances. Once again we refer to Edward G Griffin’s book World Without Cancer –he notes the side effects of taking B17 to assist fight cancer... “Effects include increased appetite, weight gain, lowered blood pressure, increased haemoglobin, and red-blood-cell count, elimination or sharp reduction of pain without narcotics, builds up body’s resistance to other diseases, is a natural substance found in foods and is compatible with human biological experience, destroys cancer cells while nourishing non-cancer cells.” Compare the above with the side effects from chemotherapy and radiation, the dizziness, skin discoloration, nausea, diarrhoea, loss of hair, loss of appetite, organ failure, internal bleeding etc. Which treatment sounds riskier to you? It appears to me that current conventional cancer therapy is actually inhumane.
I have had a personal interest in natural therapies my whole life for the sake of my own health and for those I love. The information I am sharing is to help open one’s eyes to other options beyond the traditional treatments and to suggest that we all could benefit from taking preventative actions so to avoid getting a cancer diagnosis sometime in the future. We are all doing something very wrong when you realise that the current statistic is that 1 in 2 people can expect to develop cancer. I do not wish to become a statistic and would far prefer to take action to avoid getting cancer in the first place if possible. There are already many websites devoted to exploring alternative cancer treatment options, so I am not wishing to compete with the broad range of topics they cover. Rather lets talk about those options I would consider the most important, particularly to prevent cancer from growing unchecked in our bodies, considering we discussed the fact that we all have it growing inside us at some point. I will gradually add to the list at the bottom of this page so that you can undertake your own research in your own time.
About 9 years ago I discovered a lump in my breast and went to the doctor for him to check it out. The minute he felt it he said “Oh this is bad Lynda, I am concerned about this lump. You must go for a mammogram and then if that is positive we will send you straight away for a biopsy.” I admit that his comments rattled me more than expected...after all, his tone was sinister, as though he already suspected the lump to be cancerous! But I was somewhat forearmed to expect what his recommendations would be and I already had strong opinions about them. I told him that I would prefer not to have a mammogram because I believe the radiation you are exposed to could transform a benign lump into a malignant one. Couldn’t I have an ultrasound instead? So he sent me for the latter. No physical risk, but still reasonable diagnosis tool, especially for women with smaller fibrocystic breasts like me! Anyway, at completion of ultrasound I asked the sonographer if he felt I had anything to worry about and he reassured me that he had seen only normal glandular fluctuation in tissue and there was nothing to concern myself with. When the results were sent to my doctor he called me in for appointment and said he was still very worried about the lump and thought it best if I go to have a biopsy to be cautious. I explained to my Doctor that I preferred not to have a biopsy either, as there is much proof to support that by entering a needle into a lump, it can cause a healing reaction to occur, which as we know can cause neoblasts to start reproducing due to a trauma. If the lump actually happened to be malignant, then a needle biopsy could also spread the malignant cells to other parts of the body during needle withdrawal, enabling cancerous cells to spread via the blood. So I said ‘no thanks’ once again. Meanwhile I did further research into other less damaging forms of testing to keep a check on that lump in my breast and chose Thermography and Ultrasound as my early detection tools of choice which I get done once yearly.
Why have I shared this little story? It pays to be informed about our options...to be forewarned is to be forearmed. Doctors often make hasty recommendations from a state of fear and narrow vision. They can also have patients acting from a state of fear very quickly indeed! You can take time to consider what action you wish to take, whether that be deciding on tools to help diagnose cancer or for choosing a form of treatment after you have been given a diagnosis/prognosis.
Check out this great video on alternative methods of early detection of breast cancer posted by non-profit charity, BeatCancer.org who prefer to invest funds they raise into education of cancer prevention strategies. This is a seminar they hosted in 2014 given by Dr Philip Getson exploring Thermography particularly as a safer and more effective early diagnosis tool.
Beyond general healthy lifestyle and diet habits, in more recent times I have become convinced of the merit of several natural substances. These can be considered medicinally powerful when integrated into your daily habits. I was not aware of the power they wield to support healing when my mum was waging her own challenge with breast cancer. I think they maybe the most accessible, potent preventatives I have heard about to date. There appears to be countless stories of healing that has occurred largely due to their use. I do not plan to go into case histories to prove the merit of these substances, you can do all the research you want yourself just as I have done, which has convinced me personally of their value. I would like to bring your attention to them so that you can begin to consider if they could bring value into your wellness regime also.
If you have ever explored natural cancer prevention or treatment alternatives, it is likely you would have come across B17 before or maybe heard of the value of Apricot Kernels specifically. There is good reason for this. The world still has cultures who are cancer-free. For example, tribes such as the Hunzas, Eskimaux, Abkhasians all consume nitriloside (B17) rich diets and their incidence of cancer is found to be next to none! Of course their diet also incorporates far less processed, more wholesome, mineral-rich food choices which emphasises the overall importance of natural, healthy eating habits as being conducive to fighting off cancer. Their daily diet can include anywhere between 250- 3,000mg of B17; whereas the average western diet in comparison would only consume less than 2mg per day.
The best reliable and most potent source I have personally found, is chewing on apricot kernels. As a prevention rule of thumb, consuming about one kernel per five kilograms of body weight per day, is a good rule of thumb. An example of this would be twelve kernels for a sixty kilogram person. However, it is advisable to start off with a couple per day and gradually build up to larger amounts over a couple of weeks. It is important to chew the kernels thoroughly so all the beneficial elements are absorbed well. They can be a bit dry when swallowing so what I do is chew them well and then have a bite of pulpy fruit to help them go down! Eating the fresh apricot with them is ideal when in season, but otherwise my regular choice is a banana, as I generally have bananas in the fruit bowl most times.
Many seeds/kernels found within fruit contain B17, (except for citrus) such as apricots, apples, peaches, nectarines, plums...interestingly we tend to throw out the kernels and seeds and only eat the fleshy fruit, so there is something to be said for consuming the whole fruit rather than just the sweet part! Ever remember being told by your mum and dad not to eat your apple core as a kid? Bad advice! We were missing out on a natural source of B17 in the seeds...but to absorb it we would’ve needed to crunch up those apples seeds too, not just swallow straight down the hatch. We also have other foods that contain B17 such as millet, flaxseed, buckwheat; mung bean and alfalfa sprouts, bamboo shoots; lima beans, chickpeas, kidney beans and even spinach.
There is a naturally occurring quantity of cyanide in all the above foods, in the form of hydrocyanic acid. This form is worlds apart from the potassium cyanide we associate as a non-selective toxic poison. What I am going to share with you explains the reason why this naturally occurring form of cyanide is harmless to healthy cells but toxic to cancerous cells.
There is no free hydrogen cyanide (HCN) floating around in the hydrocyanic acid. The only way it comes into being is when it comes into contact with a cancer cell. Why? Because a cancer cell is not like normal healthy cells...it has an enzyme called beta-glucosidase which breaks apart the hydrocyanic acid within the B17 molecule and creates hydrogen cyanide and benzaldehyde. This special toxic pair then launches a targeted attack on the cancerous cell. A healthy cell on the other hand has its own in-built protection in the form of a different enzyme called Rhodenase. Happily, this enzyme will seek and destroy any rogue free cyanide molecules that escape from within the cancer cell. Our bodies are truly amazing on a cellular level and it would benefit our healing greatly if we learn to simply give our body what it needs to heal itself.
A herbal remedy known to be an effective treatment against all types of cancer, was introduced to western society in the 1920’s. It was known as Essiac Tea. Over the years it has attracted it’s fair share of controversy and resistance from the medical establishment, even in the face of incredible stories of complete healing in advanced cancer patients.
Rene Caisse was working as a nurse in Canada in 1922, when an 80 year old lady she was caring for shared her story of overcoming breast cancer almost 20 years prior. The woman had come from England to Northern Ontario to prospect alongside her husband. Not long after arrival, her breast became swollen and painful. An old medicine man at the mining camp had told her he could cure it with an age old Ojibwe Indian herbal remedy. Instead, her husband took her to see doctors in Toronto where she was diagnosed with advanced breast cancer and advised to have a mastectomy. She didn’t want the surgery as one of her friends had recently died from the same surgery. It was also too expensive, so she decided to take her chances with the old Indian medicine man.
The man gave her a herbal tea to drink, explained the ingredients and how she could prepare it herself when she needed more. The woman drank the tea every day for some time. Her pain subsided and gradually her tumours reduced in size until they disappeared altogether. 20 years on she was still alive to tell the tale. This woman explained how to make this tea to Rene, who was intrigued, but simply thought that if she ever got cancer she would try using this herbal formula. However a few months later she was given some bad news. Her aunty had developed stomach cancer with metastasis to the liver. Her prognosis was 6 months at most.
As the story goes, Rene spoke to her aunts doctor- Dr R.O.Fisher of Toronto- who Rene had nursed patients for in the past and gained his permission to try the herb tea under his close observation. She gathered the herbs in the formula, brewed the tea and her aunt drank it dutifully for several months. Her aunt gradually got stronger and eventually recovered and went on to live another 21 years! Dr Fisher was so impressed that he then requested Rene to use the formula on his other hopeless cancer patients, with some amazing results as well.
Thus began the story of this natural cancer fighting remedy called Essiac, the name being Rene Caisse’s surname spelt backwards. I highly recommend reading the book “Calling of an Angel” by Dr Gary L.Glum. It is a true account of Rene Caisse and the history of Essiac Tea as nature’s cure for cancer. I have provided a link at the bottom of this page to access a free PDF of this publication. The book is out of print now I believe, but a couple of years ago I was fortunate to stumble upon a second hand copy online, you may be able to do the same.
So what is in Essiac? The original recipe is said to be composed of four main herbs. Here is a summary of each herb and it’s beneficial constituents and actions on the body.
Sheep sorrel (Rumex acetosella) The entire sheep sorrel plant should be harvested, so leaves, stems and roots are used. It is the primary healing herb in the essiac formula. This herb has been considered a folk remedy for cancer for centuries both in Europe and America. It is known to assist breakdown tumors and encourage regression and is particularly rich in vitamins and minerals that are known to nourish all the glands of the body and help alleviate degenerative conditions. High amounts of Vit.A, B complex, C,D,E,K,P and Vit.U. Rich in minerals calcium, chlorine, iron, magnesium, silicon, sodium, sulphur and has trace amounts of copper, iodine, manganese and zinc. It also contains carotenoids and chlorophyll. It is a powerful healer, reducing inflammation, purifying the liver, oxygenating the body and improving the vascular system.
Turkey Rhubarb (Rheum palmatum) The roots are used. Contains Vit.A, B Complex, C and P. High in minerals: calcium, chlorine, copper, iodine, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, silicon, sodium, sulphur and zinc. The rhubarb root has a gentle laxative action by stimulating bile secretion into intestines and the gall duct to expel toxins. It is a powerful liver cleanser, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and has anti-tumor activity.
Slippery Elm (Ulmus fulva) Inner bark of the slippery elm tree is used. It is known for its ability as a cleansing tonic, to soothe and strengthen the organs, tissues and mucous membranes, especially the lungs and stomach. It promotes fast healing and revitalises the whole body. It is composed largely of a mucilage which has a soothing action on the body. It contains large amounts of calcium, magnesium and sodium and significant quantities of gallic acid, phenols and Vit.A, B complex, C, K and P.
Burdock (Arctium lappa) The root is used in this formula, although young stalks of this plant can be also eaten as a vegetable. Contains Vit.A, B complex, C, E and P. It has high amounts of chromium, cobalt, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, silicon and zinc. The root is a powerful blood purifier and helps to clear congestion in the respiratory, lymphatic, urinary and circulatory systems. It promotes the flow of bile and elimination of toxins, strengthening the liver and kidneys, removing excess fluid in the body.
The best way to buy essiac is as a ready mixed dry herb formulation and then brew your own fresh tea according to directions on the packet. You can also buy the individual dried herbs and mix together at the correct ratios to create your own supply of essiac. The herbs are made as a decoction, rather than a tea, which means they are brought to the boil then left to cool and steeped overnight. This creates a stronger brew. It is not recommended to buy teabags. The tea is taken by dosage and to be taken only on an empty stomach. When buying Essiac, it is most important to ensure the formula has sheep sorrel roots in it, not just aerial parts.
If you would like to find out the exact combining ratios of the individual herbs to make up the essiac formula; instructions for brewing; storage instructions; quantities recommended to ingest daily and when, then just get in touch on the contact page of this website requesting further Essiac Tea Instructions. I am happy to forward such detail onto you.
Plants have a healing association with the human body. They alkalise, reduce inflammation, increase hydration, encourage elimination, reduce free radical damage and saturate the body with essential nutrient to power our bodies. One aspect which is often over-looked, is that food is not just fuel, it is medicine.
Juicing is one of the best ways to get nutrient saturation. Fruits and vegetables are rich in phytonutrients, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and carotenoids, all of which help cleanse the liver, kidneys and dramatically enhance immunity. Juice is powerful medicine to heal the body. Digestion uses a lot of energy to process that which we eat. When we juice fruit and vegies in addition to eating plenty of fibre rich meals, we give our body extra nutrient without all the work. This is important particularly when the body is in a state of dis-ease or inundated by side-effects of traditional treatments such as chemotherapy. Such side effects often result in nausea or no appetite. At such times, a person must still drink fluid as our body cannot survive without it. Juice is both hydrating and nutrient rich. It can provide a sick body with the basic vitamins and minerals essential to begin healing. Ice-cream, sugary drinks or tin soup on the other hand might seem basic food that is appetising to the taste buds and be better than nothing, but I would hasten to suggest that when in a fragile state of health, you need to be particularly aware of what you’re putting in your mouth and make it count.
Some oncologists are of the belief that boosting the immune system with protective natural antioxidants in the form of juices or supplements whilst on chemotherapy or radiation compromises the effects of the treatments. However, there is an overwhelming body of evidence which indicates the reverse to be true. Such substances are more likely to increase the effectiveness of such treatments whilst also decreasing their negative side effects. As Ralph W. Moss states in his scientific report: “A blanket rejection of the concurrent use of antioxidants with chemotherapy is not justified by the preponderance of evidence at this time and serves neither the scientific community nor cancer patients.” You can read more of his report: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1534735405285882
A natural cancer fighting protocol which uses juicing at its core, is the Gerson Diet. Dr Max Gerson, born in Germany in 1881, developed this protocol firstly to find a cure for his debilitating migraines, which he successfully did. He then discovered it cured his daughter, Charlotte of tuberculosis. His friend and peer, nobel- prize winner, Dr Albert Schweitzer MD, was forever in his debt when Dr Gerson healed Schweitzer’s wife also, of lung tuberculosis when all other treatments had failed. Gerson progressively experimented on many other patients with a variety of illnesses...kidney failure, heart disease and eventually, cancer. The results with the latter have been nothing short of miraculous. Dr Max Gerson died in 1959 and since that time, his daughter, Charlotte Gerson has carried on his work, establishing The Gerson Institute in 1977 in partnership with Norman Fritz, who was president of the Cancer Control Society. The Institute established treatment centres and trained holistic physicians, nurses and kitchen help in the protocols of her father’s nutritional treatment. Charlotte Gerson is now in her early 90’s and still going strong.
The Gerson therapy is one of many natural options to consider as a stand-alone treatment for cancer. Here is the website to take a look at if you are interested to learn more. https://gerson.org/gerpress/the-gerson-therapy/
Make no mistake, it is quite a strict dietary regime to adopt if you choose to use as a treatment, but it is natural and will not damage a single healthy cell of your body. Treatment of existing cancer requires a much stricter approach to heal, than the commitment required for cancer prevention or maintenance. This is important to acknowledge and dictates what choices you make in changing dietary and lifestyle habits. Once you have become free of any symptoms of disease, you can become a little more moderate in your approach.
BeatCancer.org founder, Susan Silberstein, has provided nutritional counselling to 28k+ cancer patients over the last 38 years and observed nothing short of amazing results with patients who begin drinking freshly extracted vegetable juices. Here she tells of one of her oldest clients:
“Ruth, was sent home to die with metastatic malignant melanoma that had invaded nearly 100% of her frail body; her doctor did not expect her to last the weekend. That was 30 years ago and Ruth is still alive and well. How did a terminal cancer patient recover in 48 hours? She didn’t, she just stopped dying a little bit at a time and she did it by ingesting litres of freshly expressed vegetable and cereal grass juices.”
Juicing is complementary to any other treatment choice whilst also being a wonderful new daily habit to add in, for disease prevention. Juice combinations can be chosen based on the condition or symptoms you are trying to assist...we are focusing here on cancer, but there are as many conditions that can be assisted, as there are fruits and vegetables. Cholesterol, heart health, diabetes, detoxification, skin health, immune system, nausea, diarrhoea, arthritis, to name a few, are all equally assisted by the intake of specific juice combinations.
The best juice is one that is taken on an empty stomach, half hour before food, or one hour after. This is to ensure your body is truly just absorbing nutrient like a sponge, without expending energy to digest. I would like to confirm here that juicing is not instead of food. It is in addition to food, unless you have severe symptoms which are making it near impossible to eat solids, in which case juices, soups or smoothies are your best option to ensure you still get the nutrition your body yearns for. The difference between juice and smoothies is that the later retains the fibre in the drink, but is still more easily digested than solid food. Fibre is especially important when one is trying to detoxify and heal. When your body detoxifies, it sends toxins and excess circulating hormones to the colon to exit the body. Without enough fibre in your diet, it may never be escorted out the back passage and instead gets reabsorbed back into the bloodstream. This is certainly not ideal, for it further loads toxins back into your system and all the good work your body did was wasted.
To re-iterate...If you can handle solid food, then juicing is an added extra into your daily regime around the fibre rich plant based diet you should still be consuming at meal times. Another thing to consider is gradually build up your consumption of juices, do not suddenly take litres a day as your body will most likely have a detox reaction. This means unpleasant side effects as a result of toxins being liberated from tissue and not being able to exit the body quick enough. If you have been on chemotherapy, the body will have a lot of toxins built up and will need to detoxify slowly. It can be life threatening if undertaken too rapidly.
In Susan Silberstein’s book Veggie Juices and Cancer Treatment, she suggests beginning with 120ml (4 ounces)of fresh juice per day and then increase by an additional 120ml per day over the course of one week intervals. The juices that have the most cancer fighting properties appear to be carrot, kale, spinach, beetroot, parsely, ginger, celery and red skinned apple. This is just the beginning really, as wheat and barley grass and all the crucifers are wonderful additions also. Most importantly, just begin the habit of juicing and if that means simply carrot juice, that will be essentially beneficial. As an example, carrots are exceptionally rich in carotenes which are converted into Vitamin A which is essential for liver detoxification. Carrots also have Vit.B6, E, K; minerals sodium,potassium, calcium,magnesium and iron; flavonoids and carotenoids such as lycopene; and lutein. Many powerful cancer inhibitors all in such a little orange package!
It is important not to overcomplicate new habits. Add in more variety as you become more confident and applied to the process. Always choose organic vegetables if possible. Don’t let it stop you if you cannot source organic, but they are preferred for the added healing benefit.
You will find it easier if you make up enough juice for two days so you don’t have to juice every day. Juice begins to lose it’s vitality after 48 hours, so it is worth your time commitment to juice every second day. After making your batch of fresh juice, better to store it in the fridge in smaller glass bottles, than one big bottle. This will reduce oxidisation damage upon the juice, as opposed to frequently opening one big bottle over two days. Keep this in mind if you would prefer to only juice every three days. Decanting your juice into single serve bottles is a good way to extend the life of your juice. Most importantly, sit down and relax every time you consume your juice. Close your eyes and imagine the goodness of the liquid pouring into your body. Feel your body responding with joy to the nutrient which is going to strengthen and return your body to complete wellness.
Natural cancer prevention and support:
Treatment Clinics
https://hope4cancer.com/ - Hope 4 Cancer Treatment Centre: Access to the latest, safest, non-toxic cancer therapies. Two Clinic locations, Mexico and Thailand.
Retreats/Powerful Lifestyle Programs
https://gawler.org/ - The Gawler Foundation based in Yarra Ranges, Melbourne, VIC.
https://www.questforlife.com.au/residential-program/quest-for-life - The Quest For Life Foundation that offers 5 day residential program at Bundanoon, NSW.
https://hippocratesinst.org/ - Residential Life Transformation Program based in Florida, USA.
General Information about self-care, knowledge empowerment and natural healing options: https://www.cancertutor.com/
Thermography Clinic in Melbourne, Victoria:
Essiac Tea:
Free Download of Book: Calling of an Angel by Dr Gary Glum
Recommended Books:
Why We're Still Dying to Know the Truth by Phillip Day- Credence Publications.
Great News on Cancer in the 21st Century by Steven Ransom - Credence Publications.
Calling of an Angel by Dr Gary L. Glum; the true story of Rene Caisse and Essiac Tea.
Chris Beat Cancer by Chris Wark - Hay House.
The China Study Solution by Thomas Campbell, MD - Rodale.
Cancer Free! Are You Sure? By Jenny Hrbacek - Siloam.
Cancer Free, Your Guide to gentle, non-toxic healing by Bill Henderson - Get and Stay Well.
Cancer Free with Food by Liana Werner Gray - Hay House.
Hungry for Health by Susan Silberstein - Infinity Publishing.
Hungrier for Health by Susan Silberstein - Infinity Publishing.
Natural Health Information:
Chemical free living- take note what you put on your skin as well as in your mouth.
Silent Killers by PM Taubert- CompSafe Consultancy; Chemicals found in your personal care products.
Your Health and Food Additives by PM Taubert- CompSafe Consultancy.
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